
That English Comedy Show: Warmup Sessions + Afterparty - Only Best ENG Stand-Up Comedians in Poland!

20. August 2021 um 20:00 Uhr


- woj. Mazowieckie

club Boho22, ul. Żurawia 22

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Trwa ładowanie komentarzy...
Bohdan: It was quite good - funny jokes, good crowd
Kudraszew: I was laughing all evening. Applause for brave amateurs. Ill be back ! :)
Maja: Byłam mile zaskoczona, to był bardzo udany, miły wieczór.
Wioleta: Really funny, I laugged more than once
Kamil: Super impreza ze świetnymi wykonawcami. Jedyne czego brakowało to ogrzewanie. W lokalu było troche za zimno.

Don't Wait - First 10 Tickets get a Free Drink!

That English Comedy Show is back with a new, regular show @ the iconic comedy venue - Boho22! Warmup Sessions is a regular show for the best English-speaking (sorry, English-joking) comedians from all around Poland to come and try their new material in a chilled, relaxed, and friendly atmosphere. We will be inviting the best, the exciting prospects, and even convincing legendary Polish comedians to try their luck at doing it in English!

We will start revealing the line-up starting the 1st of August. However, the reward for trying your luck now is a FREE DRINK - for the first 10 ticket holders!

Here are some hints as to who they will be:
A legendary Polish comedian, one of the first and most recognizable faces in the Polish scene, and just as sharp and insightful in English.
An English debut of a comedian who produced a legendary, no longer available, and still talked about special known to all Polish comedy fans.
One of the best and most experienced comedians of both the English and Polish scene, who's done it on both sides of the globe, and hosts the No1 comedy podcast in Poland.
From Kraków, the youngest, and probably already the best female ENG comedian in Poland, currently making her way into and crushing shows on the Chicago comedy scene!
One of the most known and beloved faces in the Kraków scene, with his unforgettable, endearing and obviously ADHD-caused energy.
To top it off, we have a big-stage DEBUT from one of the newest, and most exciting prospects on the Warsaw scene - who decided to try comedy after attending the first That English Comedy Show last September!

The show is hosted by Dave Rygielski and Badr Laffar, the most random duo couldn't be more different, but couldn't get along better than they do. Their unique combined Polish/British-Syrian perspective of looking at the world is sure to make you slap your knee until it bruises.

Expect your face to hurt from laughing, making some new friends with both comedians and guests, and slurping colourful drinks courtesy of masterful Darek & Victor behind the bar!

~ 120 min
geschätzte Dauer der Auftritt
von 16 Jahre
den Eingang öffnen
2 Pausen
geplante Interaktionen
eigene Getränke mitbringen
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Neueste Kommentare unserer Kunden...
2022-11-26 13:13:44
"Byłam mile zaskoczona, to był bardzo udany, miły wieczór."
2022-08-09 17:40:18
"Lovely evening with funny comedians!"
2022-08-08 22:00:22
"Wydarzenie super. Spontaniczne, śmieszne, różnorodne. Brawa dla organizatora. Nie wiem czemu zwracał kasę za bilety. Pozdrawiam."
2022-05-22 00:16:20
"Within the path of time, I gathered nice evenings. Apparantly, as I recalled, I often brought my friends to check up standup back in Ukraine where I come from. Now I am in Poland and my friends bring me to standup;) The show itself was great, funny and the laughters were not ending till the very end. I do recommend everyone to visit it;)"
2022-04-05 08:13:08
"Super impreza ze świetnymi wykonawcami. Jedyne czego brakowało to ogrzewanie. W lokalu było troche za zimno."
Antwort des Veranstalters von 2022-04-22 16:27:57:
"Następnym razem daj znać to podkręcimy xd to nie tak że nie mamy ogrzewania"
2022-03-08 09:08:48
"Really funny, I laugged more than once"
2022-03-02 19:12:22
"It was quite good - funny jokes, good crowd"
2022-02-03 07:03:06
"Was an excellent show. Bader, Ariel and Andy rocked as usual. Must visit in Warsaw."
2021-11-17 20:26:42
"Variety of comics with different experiences and stories. As for open-mic some of the comics are professional and some of them are first-timers. Nevertheless, the common atmosphere was nice, and we had a good laugh. On the whole, its a great way to spend time and socialize with English speakers. Highly recommended."
2021-11-17 17:23:52
"I was laughing all evening. Applause for brave amateurs. Ill be back ! :)"
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