Arthur Kell Speculation Quartet
BIO artystów oraz opis wydarzenia:
Arthur Kell Speculation Quartet
Nate Radley (gitara)
Brad Shepik (gitara)
Arthur Kell (kontrabas)
Allan Mednard (perkusja)
Zapraszamy na koncert w Mleczarni - Nowojorskiej grupy Arthur Kell Speculation Quartet. Obecna europejska trasa obejmuje muzykę z ich najnowszego albumu "Live at LunÀtico" wydanego przez Origin Records - uznanego za jeden z najlepszych albumów 2024 roku przez Downbeat Magazine.
więcej informacji (ENG):
Arthur Kell Speculation Quartet's current European tour highlights music from its latest recording, "Live at LunÀtico" on Origin Records - recognized as one of Downbeat Magazine's Best Albums of 2024.
The group has toured widely in Europe, including: Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Madrid Jazz Festival, Bird's Eye in Basel, A-Trane in Berlin, AJMI in Provence, Brasov in Romania, and a Deutschlandfunk national radio broadcast.
Arthur Kell has worked with Thomas Chapin, Matt Darriau, Kálmán Oláh, Guillermo Klein, Steve Cardenas, Paul Bollenback, Valerie June and Bill McHenry. He's also co-owner of Bar LunÀtico, the Brooklyn, New York venue.
Brad Shepik has worked with Paul Motian, Dave Douglas, Joey Baron and Charlie Haden.
Nate Radley has worked for Chris Cheek, Adam Nussbaum, the Maria Schneider Jazz Orchestra and Aruan Ortiz.
Allan Mednard has performed with Kurt Rosenwinkel, Aaron Parks, Lauren Henderson and Ben Allison.
Downbeat Magazine (January 2024): "A terrific group...You can imagine that softly rocking line on a 60s Blue Note date...the same spiralling effect you used to get with the Bhundu Boys...Like his old friend and associate, Thomas Chapin, [Kell] keeps his ears and mind open for new sounds and experiences."
Jazz'N'More Magazine (Jan/Feb 2024): "Arthur Kell again proves his innovative skills as a bandleader. Intense musical conversations, which are driven from one climax to the next...highlight the quartet's intense, lucid and tight musical interplay. A varied, colorful, dynamic and all around exciting album! Musically the quartet is covering a broad spectrum. [Kell's] original compositions are swinging back and forth between Brazil and the Arabic world. The musical coherence is impressive. Two guitarists in top form. A rising star drum virtuoso."
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